How to import avatars in Yabal

Yabal allows to import custom avatars. To make sure your avatar loads correctly in Yabal please follow these instructions when creating the file:

Important: Please note that Yabal is currently in closed Alpha. You can explore it for free every Wednesday from 6pm UTC - 7pm UTC during the Coin Drop Party. Otherwiese you would either need an OG pass NFT, download the windows app (for gaming pcs only) or with an invite code to parties and lives shows.

1. Technical requirements

  • Total file size must be < 1 mb

  • Only biped characters

  • Polycount should be around 20k

  • Rig: Mixamo 25 bones (no hands, bones without prefix! Rotboone: "Hips")

  • Baked Materials to 1 Material

  • Merged Meshes to 1 Mesh

  • T-Pose

  • No morph targets and blendshapes

  • No translucent materials (they get get lost)

Once you have prepared your character package it as GLB file.

2. Importing to Yabal

  1. Go to

  2. Login

  3. Change the avatar if you already created one and choose "Use GLB (Experimental)"

  4. You can now upload your GLB file

The file is now connected to your account and when you enter Yabal your character should load.

Trouble shooting

Character doesn't load in web interface

If your character doesn't show up in the web interface where you uploaded it that still can be ok. Enter Yabal and check if it's loading inside Yabal. Sometime webGL doesnt load avatars.

Character is not animating in Yabal

If this happens you most likely didn't follow exactly the technical requirements from above. Please check the rig specifications and make sure the total file size of the GLB is < 1mb

Still doesn't work?

Open a ticket in our Discord server and one of our developers will help you.

Last updated